
Technology that Pushes Forward

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Mitigate the Risk of a Cyber Attack before it Happens. Is your data backed up securely with at least one redundant copy? Your data must be protected and stored securely.

This is where we come in.

At BardTech we make sure your data is always secure and available, as when data is stored online it is vulnerable to a cyber attack, and we assist to have you up-and-running so there is minimal downtime after such an event. Data Protection and Loss Prevention are a major fear with any device connected directly to a computer network, internally or externally. Without proper implementation and configuration of network security hardware and software appliances, such as firewalls, you’re prone to an attack from a hacker. Hackers exist in almost an invisible space, creating malware, viruses, mining for user accounts, bank account information, and more that can completely take over a computer network. Every business needs intrusion detection and prevention systems in place.



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